Crown Diamond

Jared & Heather Burnett

Safety Harbor, FL


Over $20M in Lifetime Earnings*


Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners


A few years ago we sat down to evaluate PURE. We saw a perfect storm with immediate impact products that are relevant, a new-school compensation model, and perfect timing. The only thing missing was a system. We went to work putting the Pure Team Global System in place. We created a simple system to help people win. We took massive action and people started to duplicate what we were doing. Today, we look at the fruit of our efforts in amazement, as now the majority of all IBOs in North America are on our team. Joining PURE has been the best business decision we ever made, we have now earned over 20 million dollars in commissions and our business continues to grow. We are dedicated to our vision of helping 100 people become millionaires in PURE, and we are well on our way, as we have 26 people on our team who have earned over 1 million dollars, and over 200 who have earned over $100,000. We look forward to helping you get Ultimate Health and Design Your Life. Matthew 19:26 – With man it is impossible, but with God, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!