Chris & Leslie Forester
Springfield, MO
Over $3M in Lifetime Earnings*
Former Traditional Business Owners
Chris & Leslie were introduced to PURE in 2010. At the time, their children were 3 & 5 years old and they were on the hamster wheel of life. They found themselves working harder and harder every year, yet not getting ahead financially. They immediately recognized the need for the products and that PURE was a once in a lifetime opportunity, so they jumped all in. Leslie lost over 40 lbs by living a healthier lifestyle, and both of their joint pain went away almost immediately after losing weight.** They shared this incredible opportunity with others and have been able to have the time freedom to be the parents they always wanted to be and to devote their time and resources to their outdoor ministry for children with special needs. “The most rewarding part of PURE is seeing the lives that have been forever changed simply by sharing this amazing gift with others!”