JR & Vickie Burnett
Trinity, FL
Over $6M in Lifetime Earnings*
Former Coach, Former Teacher
JR and Vickie have assisted thousands in improving their health with PURE products. They have also helped many to earn great part time incomes with some earning full time incomes. JR and Vickie earned $54,000 their first year. The next year it doubled and the third year it tripled. Their largest year has been $900,000 and have now earned over 6 million, a life-changing income.* JR and Vickie have earned numerous cruises and luxury senior leader retreats to destinations all over the world and trips a coach and teacher would never have been able to afford. They love what they do and wouldn’t trade the experiences and the ability to meet many new friends that this company has given them for anything. “Everyday we thank God for these products and this opportunity called PURE”.