Ty & Dawn Morgan
Tipp City, OH
Largest Weekly Check Over $11,000!
Biopharmaceutical Sales Representative & Wresting Coach / Homemaker
On May 17th, 2019 my world was rocked when we got word we would be losing a significant part of our family income. This income has allowed my lovely wife, Dawn, to be an stay-at-home mom for the last 7 years with our 4 kids and also helps pay for 3 of our kids tuition at private Christian School. I did not make an emotional decision but began seeking the Lord with fasting and prayer.
That very evening I got a text message from friend and 2018 USA World Weestling Champion, David Taylor, letting me know he finally found an amazing company with products he can get behind and thought I would be a great addition to the team.
I checked it out and was so impressed and amazed with what I saw. It is unlike anything I’ve ever seen. I really liked the philosophy, the integrity of the leaders and the vision of where this company is going. Quicker than I could have imagined, I got clear confirmation from God to go in this direction. I was all in and enrolled with a “Be Fulfilled” pack.
I immediately began sharing this with as many people as I could using the success system Show, Share, Connect taught that the top-income earner, Jared Burnett created on PureTeamGlobal.com. I didn’t want to share much of anything until they saw everything. I personally sponsored 6 people my first few days but because of this system and the duplication, my team grew to over 80 people all within our first week. I got a call from my amazing leaders John & Teresa Goetz and Louis D’Orsaneo Tuesday morning congratulating me on hitting the rank of Diamond. Then 2 1/2 hours later my products arrived to my front steps.
Since being on products I’ve shredded off 16 lbs of body fat and now floating around my college wrestling weight of 149 lbs! It has been over 16 years since I wrestled that weight!
I have Increased energy and amazing mental focus! I do not struggle with joint pain and stiffness anymore.
We are now focused on bringing this message to as many people as we can and to help our team with their success.
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
Matthew 6:33