
Chuck & Nancy Morris

Apopka, FL


$13K in the first week of business*


President of Impossible Solutions


Nancy is an Elementary school Art teacher and Chuck owns a software company that serves the professional photo lab industry. With retirement fast approaching for Nancy and declining software revenue due to the shrinking photo industry market, they were looking for new streams of residual income. During their 40 years of marriage, they had invested about 15 years in the network marketing industry off and on with no real success to show for their efforts, but they had been learning and gaining wisdom. When their good friends Brig and Lita Hart talked to them about the possibility of launching with another networking business, without knowing the company or the products, Chuck said “Brig, if you are doing it, we are all in!” After three months in the business and attending the first major event, Chuck called Brig and said: ”We now know what we are going to be doing for the rest of our lives. The quality of the products, the integrity of the corporate leadership, the quality and character of the field leadership, the PTG system developed by Jared and Heather Burnett, and a compensation plan that is beyond comparison… we have found a home.”